Thursday, May 7, 2009


If deforestation can be stopped in its tracks, then we will be able to buy ourselves some much-needed time to build the low carbon economies on which our futures depend. I have endeavoured to create a global public, private and NGO partnership to discover an innovative means of halting tropical deforestation. Success would literally transform the situation for our children and grandchildren and for every species on the planet.” - HRH The Prince of Wales

Products from the Rainforest

Bananas, cocoa, coffee, wood and many more products originate in the rainforests of Latin America. As demand for products from the rainforest increases, more pressure is exerted on these precious ecosystems. ['ɪkə.sɪstəm生态系统 ] With 90% of the world’s forests outside of protected areas, the Rainforest Alliance works to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior. For instance, companies and communities in Brazil work with the Rainforest Alliance and their partners to harvest wood while ensuring the forest will remain healthy and productive for generations to come.

Your Assignment

In reality, your assignment is the central and most important part of this week’s lesson.

Rainforests wrap around the equator of the earth like a green belt. After millions of years of evolution, they are the most biologically rich ecosystems on our planet. Tropical rainforests contain a hugely rich diversity of species of plants and animals. They are also home to many different indigenous people, who have unique and treasured cultures.

Please answer the following questions about the “Rain Forest.”

To help you with your answers some details have been provided for you in the “Supplementary Reading” for your group that follows the questions below. Follow the links in the “Supplementary Reading” section to help you answer questions about the “Rain Forest.” You will find most the answer to most of the questions by clicking on the links and reading the articles. In some cases I have provided you with a few sentences to help you find the answer, once you start reading the article … but you should read further to give more details. (click the "next >" button and scroll down until you find the readings for your group)

1. What are rainforests? Where are they located? (Click Here)

2. Name some of the key driving forces连带原因 [liándài yuányīn] behind rainforest deforestation滥伐森林? (LATIN and SOUTH AMERICA, Click Here; AFRICA, Click Here; ASIA, Click Here)

3. What is The Prince’s Rainforests Project (PRP)? Who are some of the supporters of the PRP – as of April 1, 2009?

4. How many plant and animal species can be found in rainforests? How do plants and animals interact with each other in rainforests?

5. Do some animals live in plants? What do some of the animals eat?

6. Why are sloths green and how do they catch their prey if they are so slow? Do birds migrate to rainforests?

7. Are there any unknown plants in rainforests? How do rainforests affect the Earth's climate?

8. What products do we use in our daily lives that originate in rainforests?

9. What are some leading causes of rainforest destruction? What are some solutions to rainforest destruction?


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